My next entry is about my family. My family certainly is not the norm of American families. When I was five my parents divorced and there was only my older sister Ashley, my younger sister Skylar, and me. Then my Mom married Rich and they had a child named Rylan. After this about five years age my Dad married Paula who had three kids of her own from her previous marriage. These now becoming my step siblings including Alex, who is older than me by three days, Brendan who is two years younger than me, and last but not least Elizabeth who is seven years younger than me. Oh but wait I’m not finished because about two years ago my Dad and Paula had a boy named John, John is fifteen years younger than me.
I could spend at least all day telling the stories I have taken part in with my huge family, some good and some not so good. I do have one story that happened about two years ago. I was with my Mom, Rich, Ashley, Skylar, and Rylan. We were staying in a cabin at Letchworth State Park. Camping at Letchworth had become a sort of tradition and was a welcomed vacation. Around our third night there we were sitting around the campfire roasting marshmallows and singin’ “Koom Bye Ya”. Suddenly I heard Ashley scream and I looked over and there was a skunk. Everyone was freaking out and all the girls were screaming. Luckily it was a friendly skunk and it simply walked around the fire, ate a leftover burnt marshmallow, and he was on his way. This was a classic camping moment and I know I’ll always remember the look on Ashley’s face when she first saw the beast.