Is Your Glass Half Full?

Mr. Goss has also offered the option of writing about what the most important piece of literature is that one has read. In eleventh grade I read “Stuck in Neutral” by Terry Trueman and I have benefited from the experiences talked about in the book. The book is about a boy who suffers from cerebral palsy and what it might be like to endure this disability. The boy understands everything that goes on around him but he is unable to communicate in any way. His parents got divorced because his mom had to do so much for him his father couldn’t handle it. The boy believes that his father wants to kill him in order to get back together with his mom and daughter. The worst part is he can’t tell anyone what he thinks and he can’t defend himself. This book has helped me realize that there are many people that are much worse off than I am and I should be grateful for what I have. I’ve always known this but this book has given me a detailed example I can look towards when I’m not feeling the greatest. It certainly is a great book and I would recommend it to anyone.
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