The computers are to slow... but I ask you to concider the benifits of students learning how to use computers. I understand that you can do most, if not all of the work assigned at home on your family's computer, but what about dozens of other students that do not have computers at home... should they be denied access and knowlege because the internet connection is not fast enough? I promise I will work with the IT department to improve our school's connection... In the mean time, please try to stay positive and make the best of the situation... i.e. do the work at home if you wish, and bring a novel to read during class, that the two of us can discuss and debate...
I might do that...but for the kids that dont have internet at home, how are they going to complete assignment that took to long to complete? Also if you do this, say once or twice a week then I'll have little issue with blogging.
Posted by
Jordan |
Thursday, September 21, 2006
haha this is prob the best one yet haha....NO
Posted by
the-panamanian |
Thursday, September 21, 2006
The computers are to slow...
but I ask you to concider the benifits of students learning how to use computers. I understand that you can do most, if not all of the work assigned at home on your family's computer, but what about dozens of other students that do not have computers at home... should they be denied access and knowlege because the internet connection is not fast enough?
I promise I will work with the IT department to improve our school's connection...
In the mean time, please try to stay positive and make the best of the situation... i.e. do the work at home if you wish, and bring a novel to read during class, that the two of us can discuss and debate...
Posted by
Stephen Goss |
Friday, September 22, 2006
I might do that...but for the kids that dont have internet at home, how are they going to complete assignment that took to long to complete? Also if you do this, say once or twice a week then I'll have little issue with blogging.
Posted by
Jordan |
Friday, September 22, 2006
i think its a far-out idea. It's just these computers make it no fun.
Posted by
mellowgerman |
Monday, October 02, 2006, check it out... you can set up online surveys.
Posted by
Stephen Goss |
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
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