Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Change In Oppinion

When we began the school year I had expected another year of reading novels in class and writing down our thoughts and oppinions. However much to my dismay I learned that this was not going to be. After we initially created our blogs I was somewhat enthused.
However after recieving assignments that were supposed to be completed in class I quickly became a leading opposer. Between the "slow as molassus" computers and the inability to concentrate, I was in over my head. Although since then I have completely given up on completing tasks in class and have resigned to the unfortunate conclusion that it would be much more convienent and quicker to do these task at home. So I have somewhat of a mutual agreement with blogging and am not as opposed to it as I was.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Mary O'Hare on 'War'

I do agree with the quote when it discusses how war is often fought by young men and women. Also I think that movies can eiher promote movies or they can come across as an anti-war movie. I think films were more likely to promote war in the past because our society was much more conservative and it was more of a liberal belief to be against war. The movie Pearl Harbor was very pro war in my belief. However the movie Enemy at The Gates is fairly nuetral on the subject of war. Saving Private Ryan is another war movie that I do not believe glorifies war.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Video Games

When people portray video games as mind corrupting and bad for kids i get very anoyed. For me video games are a way to level out the playing field. Being disabled I truly enjoy playing video game because they allow me to compete as hard as someone who can walk. Theres no advantage to the person that is not disabled. I just enjoy being equal and normally I can beat my opponent. Video games for me are an escape from the reality that I am disabled.